2021年新龙船航班圆桌餐 4880元/桌(10位)
浦江风味八小碟Eight dishes with Pujiang flavor
五彩缤纷河虾仁Colorful river shrimp
豉油清蒸海斑鱼Steamed sea bream with soy sauce
黄油面包咖喱蟹Curry Crab with butter and bread
蒜香蒸深海扇贝Steamed scallop with garlic
葱油酱汁长街蛏Razor clam with Scallion sauce
蜜瓜爆香猪颈肉Quick fried pork neck with melon
菌香回味嫩牛柳Tender beef fillet with mushroom flavor
浓汤双笋煮风鹅Stewed goose with double bamboo shoots in thick soup
爆炒有机青花菜Stir fried organic broccoli
清炒碧绿时令蔬Stir fried green seasonal vegetables
养生菌菇老鸡汤Chicken soup with mushroom
水果酒酿小圆子Small round dumplings with fruit wine
特色蜜汁叉烧酥Special honey BBQ crisp
浦江风味水果盘Pujiang flavor fruit plate
*Due to seasonal changes, the menu may be slightly adjusted, please understand!